A day at the races ~ Hollywood Park closing

Hollywood Park has seen its share of celebrities over the years.  My experience was tinged with sadness wondering what would happen to those who had worked there for so long.  The bartender was an elderly woman with white hair and lots of costume jewelry. She was slow to move but had a quick wit. I wished I had gotten a picture of her to share with everyone.

Howard let me take his picture. Talk about a character, he had so much personality and loves the racing arena. He has worked at Hollywood Park for 15 years, while also working at Santa Anita Park for over 18 years! This man loves the race track. He took us down to the track and showed us that the track is actually made of synthetic material, not dirt.  Rubber bits and other weird fibers all meshed together to give the horses a cushy feel when running.

20131201_155136Howard taught us betting terminology, how to place a bet; either win, place or show and how to read the betting book.

I was excited as I placed my $2 bet on a horse named Rookie Sensation to show, my payout for placing; $2.  Then I bet on A Day At The Spa horse and she lost miserably, coming in last. Oh well, so much for winning $2.

Overall it was a great way to spend the afternoon at an iconic and soon to be forgotten place. Ah, the perils of living in LA when you’re only as good as your last race, movie, performance or show.

Hollywood Park
Hollywood Park

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